
  1. Web developing
    1. PHP
      1. PHP5 - PHP7
        1. OOP
        2. Procedural
      2. Frameworks
        1. CakePHP 3
        2. CakePHP 2
        3. Laravel
        4. CodeIgniter
        5. YII
        6. WordPress
    2. Python
      1. Python 2.7
      2. Python 3.7
        1. Django
    3. JavaScript
      1. Native
      2. jQuery
        1. jQuery
        2. jQuery UI
        3. jQuery Mobile
      3. ReactJS
    4. HTML / XHTML
    5. CSS
      1. CSS 2
      2. CSS 3
      3. Sprites
      4. LESS
      5. SASS
    6. Other technologies
      1. Ajax
      2. Ajaj
      3. XML
      4. Soap
      5. Json
      6. REST / RESTful
  2. Database
    1. SQL
      1. MySql
      2. PostgreSql
      3. FireBird
      4. MsSql
    2. NoSQL
      1. MongoDB
  3. Hosting / Virtualization
    1. LAMP / WAMP stack
    2. AWS
    3. Docker
    4. VirtualBox
  4. Caching
    1. APC
    2. Memcached
  5. Other
    1. Bug Tracking
      1. Redmine
      2. Mantis
      4. Jira
    2. Versioning
      1. SVN
      2. GIT
      3. GitHub
        1. Pull requests
        2. Actions
    3. E-mail platforms
    4. PhotoShop
    5. Postman
    6. Woobox Apps / Facebook Apps

I've turned my focus on back‑end development (PHP,Python / Django, various DBs), but also I'm great at the front‑end trinity (CSS, HTML, JavaScript) as well. I'm familiar with technologies such as Ajax, Ajaj, SOAP, REST.

I'm capable of converting PSD to XHTML, ideas to reality, problems to soution, coffee to code.

I've made close friendship with the most common database engines.

I like to play in team, but not scared when I have to work individually.

I can manage multiple projects in a fast‑paced, deadline‑driven environment, I have excellent problem solving skills, and ability to adapt unexpected situations (e.g.: last minute documentation change).

I can take the pressure.

In my free time, I'm learning software development for Android platform in Java. Unfortunatly I don't have as much time for my new hobby, as much I wanted.

I'm open to new interesting projects so feel free to contact me.